Sirius Astronomy has a range of options which will be of interest to youth groups. We can run sessions for Brownie packs aiming at their ‘Stargazer’ badge, Cubs and Scouts looking to achieve their ‘Astronomy’ badges. We can also tailor packages to suit home educators and youth groups wanting a fun and exciting look at the stars and space science or to facilitate specific qualifications.

To help your troop or pack gain their badges you can book a workshop to cover all the necessary elements. For a more autonomous approach you could book a star party with a Q&A session, or you could combine the two. You may also like to contact us about telescope hire so that your troop or pack can look at the night sky more independently. Contact us to discuss your exact requirements and the costs involved.
Brownie and Cub Workshops
For Brownies and Cubs we can tailor a workshop to cover the content necessary for gaining the Stargazer and Astronomy badges. The workshops explore the solar system, phases of the moon and major constellations, as well as navigation by stars. With a combination of demonstrations, hands-on activities and real footage, your troop or pack can gain an in-depth knowledge of the Universe.
Scout Workshops
A Scout workshop can be tailored to deliver the information necessary for the Scout Astronomy badge. With real footage, hand-on activities and Paul’s expert knowledge, the workshop can cover the key terminology, facts and information necessary within the badge, whilst also inspiring Scouts with ideas that they could then follow in their extended project section.

Sirius Astronomy’s mission is to take space science into the wider community and as such we are keen to engage with a wide range of youth groups. Youth groups can access any of the workshops described in this section or in the workshops section. You could also book a children’s star party. Contact us to discuss your requirements.
Home educators are free to access any of the workshops or parties described on this site. Costs and length of sessions can be negotiated to suit the size, funds and locality of your group. We can also facilitate a regular science or astronomy club at a venue of your choice, or work with you to deliver GCSE Astronomy or similar qualifications. Contact us to discuss your exact requirements.